Introduction to your Favorite Jungle Book Character

 Hello there, my name is Justin Ballou, but you can call me Ballou the Bear. Out of my many nicknames, and I do have a handful, this nickname is one of my favorites. Not only do I love the movie and the character Baloo, but I align myself almost exactly with his personality traits. Or at least, he embodies many personality characteristics that I strive to be. Besides laziness of course. 

Who is Baloo?

Bare necessities

I am a 23-year-old 5th year senior at the University of Oklahoma studying Pre-Physical Therapy and Communication with a minor in Non-Profit Organizational Studies. I am from a small town called Blanchard, Oklahoma. Born and raised in Oklahoma and I hold true to the saying “Sooner born Sooner bred, and when I die I’ll be Sooner dead.” The University of Oklahoma has always been my dream school and I have greatly enjoyed my time here. 


A couple of my favorite movies are Star Wars, Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and Mission Impossible movie. To give a reason, I would say I like being immersed in a different world. These examples create full-blown new universes and that is incredible to me. However, almost any movie that has a solid, inspiring, and thought-provoking story may land on my favorite list as well. Have to love sports movies for that reason. Also, because I am a HUGE sports fan. Not exactly the type of fan that knows a lot. My memory is one of my weakest parts, but watching any sporting event with friends or family or even alone is something I cherish. Sports played a big role in my childhood. They taught me things and gave me friends that I’m not sure I would have had otherwise. At least, not have had to the extent that I did. 

Nature, OH, how I love being outside and adventuring. If it were easy and made decent money, I would be a tour guide or park ranger to a national park. Being a travel writer would be another career dream. Getting to experience incredible sights, events, feelings, etc., and then getting to explain them and influence others. What a life. However, simply having the opportunities I have had to travel as much as I have has been a blessing. While also getting to share those experiences with people I love. A few beautiful places I have been, besides my “Favorite Places” blog, are the Amalfi Coast, Grand Canyon, Grand Cayman island, Capri, and the Ross Castle. 

Music is something I have had a passion for since middle school. I started out playing clarinet in 5th and 6th grade. Then I did not play music until my sophomore year of high school when I began learning how to play drums and other persuasion instruments. Around this time, listening to music also became a valued pastime of mine while I was studying, working out, or driving. Back then, I largely listened to country music as that is what my family listened to. For the most part, I liked it. In this time I also gave my life to Jesus and became a Christian and I discovered Christian music. Since then, I have listened almost exclusively to Christian music. A few of my favorite artists are Chris Renzema, Tenth Avenue North, Hillsong United, Casting Crowns, and Passion. 

Food is one of my loves. Some days, my love for food worries me when thinking about my future health. Who am I kidding, my current health as well. Not that I ate greasy and terrible food a lot, but just that I eat a lot. A few of my favorite foods include salmon, tilapia, swordfish, Swai fish, chicken alfredo, chicken pesto pasta, beef tacos, and a classic cheeseburger. Yes, I did say a few. 

I have held animals in high regard my whole life. Meaning I value, appreciate, and genuinely love them. I love seeing animals in their natural environments. Bison for example, are incredible to watch. The way they care for each other and just radiate confidence. Maybe it’s just me that sees that, but bison do have intricate personalities. Anyhow, I have a beta fish, and my mom has two adorable miniature schnauzers. 


At this moment, I am not sure what I am doing after college. Physical therapy schools have not informed me on whether or not I have been accepted, and full-time jobs that I have applied to for backups have not gotten back to me either. However, a few professional goals I have are to make a difference in the work that I do, make enough money to be able to financially sustain a family with the help of my wife, have a solid work-life balance, and enjoy my work at least 50% of the time. Not too much to ask for is it? Other goals are to get married, move to a city that is close to beautiful scenery and has a stellar community, get involved in whatever community I end up in, and co-found a business with a close friend of mine. To clarify, we do not know what kind of business we are going to create. Could be a podcast, coffee shop, nonprofit, etc. Where the future takes me I do not know, but I am ready to take it on with confidence, passion, and eagerness. 


  1. Hey Justin! (or Ballou)
    First of all, love the post and how descriptive it is and how many pictures you used. I just met you but I feel like I've known you for a while now. It seems like we would get along just fine, we have so much in common! We both share a love for sports, seafood, music, actions movies, and most importantly Jesus! The Ross Castle looks so sick, I've always wanted to go to Ireland and am so jealous that you've gotten to travel so much!
    Best of luck as you head into your next stage of life! I bet those physical therapy schools will get back to you before you know it.

  2. Hello Justin!
    I have to say first that Baloo is my favorite Jungle Book character. I still find myself singing 'bear necessities' from time to time. I love seafood, tacos, and burgers as well. I am also a huge fan of Marvel movies and comics.
    It looks like you have a bright future ahead of you. I hope you hear from the physical therapy schools soon!
    Best of luck to you!

  3. Hey Ballou the Bear,

    I too have a passion for food. There are so many amazing foods to try! I also love to travel, which would be dangerous along with my love for food! I love going to new places and trying new things. You mentioned that you almost solely listen to Christian music, and that's so awesome! I am a Christian as well, and Christian music can be so refreshing and stress relieving. I also love nature and being outside. I want to live in an area with plenty of forests and mountains and just explore every week! Hope you have an amazing semester!

  4. Hey Ballou the Bear,
    10/10 introduction! I like the fun font, the many great pictures (I'm thinking about that good looking salmon there), and your thoroughness of covering all the bases. It allowed me to see that we've got a lot in common like a love for travel, food, and music! You've got great taste it seems.
    Good luck with your future career and goals! I too am waiting to hear back from several schools (graduate schools in astronomy), so best of luck to the both of us. Looking forward to reading your stories this semester.

  5. Hi Ballou the Bear! What a fun nickname! I think you have a good taste in movies, because the ones you listed include several of my personal favorites. It sounds like you've been able to visit some truly beautiful places! I definitely understand your respect of animals. When I was a kid, I think I mostly loved them because they were cute and fluffy, but my love for animals has morphed since then into more of an appreciation and awe. Good luck with your future goals--they sound like they'll set you up for a wonderful life!

  6. I totally smiled when I opened this post, Justin: I love Jungle Book, and I had that record album when I was a little kid (yeah, record albums: we're talking late 1960s here, ha ha, back when that film first came out!)... I can probably still sing all the songs 50 years later.
    And I am always so excited to meet students doing the Non-Profit Organizational Studies program; that is something new since I came to OU and I think it is great that OU has made it one of the tracks that students can choose.
    YAY for all the movies... I am also a fan of fantasy worlds, and I suppose I will never run out of fantasy worlds to explore. I'm already so behind on movies and books and comics to read, and they keep creating more and more. So, I'll never catch up. And that's good!
    You are not in the India class, but about the clarinet, I have to share this link to one of my favorite Indian musicians: he combines Western clarinet with classical Indian music and does all kinds of music mash-ups. His name is Shankar Tucker, and check out his clarinet in this Chaiyya Chaiyya - Michael Jackson mash-up: I think it's incredible: Chaiyya Chaiyya / Don't Stop. I've just now started to really work on learning to drum and it is the most success I've ever had with an instrument; I don't have to force myself to play... I could play for hours if I had time. It's so soothing and engaging at the same time. And my husband is even tolerating my new hobby pretty well, ha ha. Better than when I tried to learn to play the harmonica. :-)

  7. Hi Ballou,
    I played the clarinet in middle/high school too! I loved it! I still have my clarinets, though they need repaired before I can play them again. Marching band is not good for woodwinds haha. I love fantasy worlds as well, it is why I play D&D. I love completely immersing myself in every detail of the world I create. As my partner says, the amount of worldbuilding I do for our games is "overwhelming." I even have the different prices of dyed fabric based on historical dyes and adjusted to the fantasy economy of D&D.

  8. Hi Justin!
    It is awesome that you have such great appreciation for animals and nature. That seems to be a smaller town Oklahoman trait (I speak from experience) and I am very proud to see that continued. You've really traveled a lot, and I am so jealous to see that!!! Keep doing it. I strongly suggest trying to learn a second language if you ever get the chance. It will make traveling 10x more fun - if that's even possible!

  9. Hi Justin!
    I too am a huge fan of soccer! Being the obvious greatest sport in the world, I found my ultimate love for it back in 2002 when I lived in South Korea and we hosted the World Cup. The atmosphere of the entire country was simply electric and I wish everyone could feel what I did back then. I understand your love for travel as I am the same way. I made myself a promise that I would go out of the country at least once a year and for the past 8 years, I have been able to do so. Traveling and adventuring is just so good for the soul and I can't wait till others are able to experience the same.

  10. Hello Justin,
    Awesome intro and very relatable. It's good to see unique and multidisciplinary individuals from smaller towns! Being from Carrier, OK and coming to Norman I sometimes see the slights people make at rural oklahomans (and OSU fans) lol.
    Keep bucking the status quo! I feel you on eating too much, but eating healthy. If I wasn't pre-dent I'd totally go HES or Nutrition. If I told you my maintenance calories just to stay at a decent weight your jaw would drop. I love to follow Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Mike Israetel to hear their recommendations on nutrition and exercise. Very knowledgeable and science-driven. Give 'em a look!

  11. Hey Justin!
    This was one of the best, most interesting introductions I've ever come across! I love that it started out so friendly and I was able to really tell who you are from the beginning with a great comparison to a classic. I loved seeing your interests in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings because those are my favorite movies ever. I binge them at least once a year (and don't leave my house for like a week to finish them all). I really enjoyed reading about your love for food! I love cooking but you have such a versatile food palate so it was interesting to see all kinds of foods you eat!

  12. Howdy Justin!
    Reading through your introduction was really interesting! Besides soccer, what other sports do you like? I come from a big baseball family and love to watch it, but in terms of things I actually do, I'm more inclined to combat sports like wrestling and kickboxing. The former of the two has put me in physical therapy quite a lot, so I genuinely say I really appreciate your choice of career paths. I wish you the best of luck both in that and in all your other goals!

  13. Hi Justin! I am from Purcell which is not too far from blanchard! I also live by "sooner born, sooner bred, and when I did i'll be sooner dead". I was literally born in Norman and am still here 23 years later. I wish you the best luck once you graduate and hope you achieve all you want to in life!

  14. Hi, Justin. I'm so glad you gave your life to Jesus! That's the most important thing one could ever do. With that acceptance, I hope you don't have any worries about what the future holds. You don't seem very worried, though. Being a fifth year senior, I'm sure you don't take for granted what's in front of you. I need to work on this myself. Peace be with you, sir!

  15. Hi Baloo!
    Ha, what a cool nickname. Also, I love how you added a link to share with others who Baloo is if they didn't know.
    Good luck with the process of physical therapy school!! I just applying to medical school. They love to make us wait, and it is a whole endeavor, but I think it will be worth it in the end.. at least, let's hope!

  16. Hi Ballou!
    I am actually right down the street from Blanchard! Well on paper I live in Blanchard, but I'm from Bridge Creek. My whole family has always called me Lanney Bug or just Bug so now I have a weird habit of responding anytime somebody says the word 'bug.' Definitely a few awkward situations there! I'm sure it's nerve wracking waiting for a physical therapy school to respond. But I'm sure you'll do great, whether you go into further schooling or a job! Best of luck!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hey Justin,
    Or Ballou the Bear haha that's a really cool nickname. I honestly have never even seen the bear before so thank you for including an image. I see you are really into seafood. I personally really like tilapia and shrimp and I've ever had sword fish before. That's really cool you have aspirations for physical therapy I'm sure you will be hearing back soon. Hope you have a great rest of your semester.

  19. It's nice to meet you, Justin! I really like your nickname! Baloo was one of my favorite characters growing up, and I sing his song all the time. I've been getting into learning an instrument, too, the bass. I'm not very good yet, but maybe someday. I also listen to christian music! Some of my favorite groups are NF, Skillet, and Toby Mac.


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