Growth Mindset

 The Growth Mindset

Ever since I first heard of the growth mindset back in freshman year, I loved the idea. The first time I heard about it, was in a President's Community Scholars meeting. I remember wanting to have that mindset and thinking back, I probably had it. When I first came to college, I was so excited to try classes, tour Norman, meet new people, join organizations, and grow as a person. 

Unfortunately, I would say I have less of a growth mindset now than I did then due to a number of things. However, classes that excite me and pull my attention do energize my growth mindset. It largely depends on the topic, my classload, workload, and class environment. To summarize, I do not always have a growth mindset for classes, but for other passions of mine, my growth mindset is more stable. Examples being traveling, playing and watching sports, spending time with people, and my faith. Of those things, I enjoy nearly every aspect of them. Problems are just a part of the joy for those examples. Effort and learning are another piece adding to the joy. I love learning about new places and expanding my understanding of humans. I like watching sports and seeing my predictions be proven false so that I can analyze the game, and figure out what I missed. People, oh I love and miss spending so much time with people, can drive me crazy at times. However, it is fascinating how different and alike we are at the same time. I appreciate, or try to appreciate, times when I learn from humans. I love growing in my faith. It is something I will never 100% understand, but I yearn for more wisdom every day. 

This semester, I am looking forward to all of my classes for at least one reason. I am most looking forward to cognitive psychology, in which I hope to learn more about how the brain thinks, remembers, and makes decisions. As well as how to improve those processes or make them more efficient. I am least looking forward to my capstone class. It has been rumored to be challenging, and time-consuming. Unfortunately, I am worried I will choose or be assigned a topic that does not motivate me in itself. Can I improve my growth mindset? Absolutely I can. Do I want to? Yes, even though it is difficult and I am finding it to be more difficult as college has progressed. However, I do believe it is worth it. Considering this is my last semester, I do look forward to these final months of working hard, pushing myself, and learning to the best of my ability. 


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