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Reading Notes: Infancy Gospels Reading A

- The Annunciation (Luke)
- I like how the voices of Mary and the angel have distinct personalities. When I read in my head, I give them different voices so I like that there is a distinction in word usage and grammar.
- I do not like that there are no visuals. I am a visual person so it is tough for me to focus on dialogue with little scenery to place around them.
- The Nativity
- I like the angel character. The angel plays the role of continuing the story and leading it to its next destination. More or less like a story guide.
- The Young Jesus
- I like the emphasis on the name "JESUS" as to make note of His importance in the story.
- About halfway in the story, I like the introduction and description of Anna. Tells a good amount of who she is.
- However, there are several spelling errors in this paragraph that distract my focus
- Love the that a young Jesus was in the temple talking to doctors. A highly unconventional scene where children do not do that. Goes against the standard
- The Wise Men
- The angel of the Lord speaking to Joseph in his dreams is a cool idea.
- I like the continuity of the name JESUS
- Having another name or nickname if you will, is a nice idea.
- Coming from Emmanual-God with us.
- I like the idea of a visual compass in the sky (the star)
- The wise men characters are respectable and I appreciate their characters because they disobeyed what they were told, and did what they feel is right.
- I both like and dislike the scope of this story
- I like that it is wide and broad, covering many years and places. However, at the same time, I wish there were more details and more background. Both work, but I lean towards wanting more context and events occurring
- Mary and Joseph
- I like the use of an animal to represent/give a message
- This story sticks with the two main characters of Joseph and Mary, giving context to the events happening in their life. I like that we get a better understanding of how they are feeling personally.
- The Virgin Grown Big
- Similarly, I like that Joseph is talking to himself and giving further context to how he is feeling and struggling. Expands his character and allows my empathy with him.
- I like the dialogue at the end of this story. There are physical visual aspects that are along with the dialogue too.
- The Birth of Jesus
- Nice visuals of the clouds, and the people around the table. Good descriptive words
- "How glorious a day is this, wherein mine eyes have seen this extraordinary sight!"
- I like the phrasing of this sentence. The words "glorious" and "extraordinary" add extra feeling to it.
- The Nativity
- I like the visuals of the sun and the explanation that makes it feel like it is brighter than comprehendible.
- Miracles Along the Way
- The introduction of the villain in this one is not the most dramatic introduction. However, there is a little context given of his powers/effects. The protagonist, child Jesus, has full-power over the enemy and it is surprising that a child can drive out demons
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