Topic Brainstorm

Today, I will be evaluating storybooks and deciding 4 topics that I may further research as the semester progresses. This will be a difficult task as there are so many options and interests I have, but exciting nonetheless to decide on a few ideas. Below, are the 4 topics. 

            Hawaiian stories greatly interest me because I have Hawaiian heritage in my family. I have little knowledge of our culture, outside of the rituals of fire-dancing and hula-dancing. I would love to learn more about the overall culture of the islands, as well as the stories of individuals. A possible idea I have is to retell this story and potentially add a character or two. Possibly even integrate this story with the sea. I love the message of "The Heart of the Hibiscus" and would keep the main message the same. The message of the girl learning what working means to her through her experience with the hibiscus, and how she grew from that. Some ideas I have are to add a water spirit or combine this story with the "Blind Builders of the Sea." I love stories of growth like in the hibiscus story. 

            Egyptian mythology has long interested me. Something about their fascination with gold, the mysticism of the pyramids, the symbols, and just their culture. I have some basic knowledge of the names and some characteristics of their gods and goddesses. When I was a kid, I played Age of Mythology and that taught me some general things as well as some history classes that may have touched on it. I would like to learn more about the characteristics of their gods and goddesses. For example, I like this story about Ra and Hathor. I have an idea to remake it to where Ra still gets angry and seeks counsel from others, but instead of choosing to attack the humans, he goes against the counsel and decides to give them new purposes. He comes up with an invention that reflects the sun across the land at night and during dark days. The light comes with many benefits as well as giving many humans purpose of expansion. 

            I am interested in this topic as a person of the Christian faith, and there are many stories I do not know. I would like to gain more knowledge of these stories. Stories I am interested in telling are adventure stories, stories about objects, and stories of personal or cultural change. Some ways I would like to retell stories is perhaps changing some of the characters or changing their actions. For example, I like the "Legends of El Khudr" text and how it is partially about the healing stone and how it came to be, and the impact it had after it was taken. An idea for a future story would be to continue the story of the stone and how it no longer worked after it was replaced. 

            British and Celtic tales interest me because some of them are centered around particular heroes and I enjoy those stories. Particularly, stories about armored heroes. Something about heroes in armor just excites me. Also, I am a sucker for a knight in shining armor story. Stories that interest me in this topic are about heroes, romance, and animals. I like the "Nun's Priest's Tale" and the "King Arthur" stories. An idea for the "Nun's Priest's Tale" would be to change the animals and the scenery. 


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