Week 8 Comments and Feedback


Active Listening sketch by Tanmay Vora

The feedback I have received has been excellent. I would rate it at a solid 9 just because nothing is perfect, but the comments and feedback I have received have been great. I find feedback that gives me insight into what the reader is thinking to be most useful. For example, when feedback has questions and then the reader explains why they are asking that question gives me an idea of what others see and why. It also just makes me feel good that a person cares enough to think of a question. 

I rate my feedback around the 7-8 level. I think I could be more intentional and think more about my questions. I do typically ask questions, but I could improve how I ask and give a reasoning for asking that question. I could also do better about explaining what I see in the story. Just being more specific. I have found the WWW and the TAG/Pretend strategies to be useful. They are great base strategies, and I have been adapting them for each person I am giving feedback to. 

I definitely feel like I am getting to know people by connecting with them on their blogs. Reading other people's stories and seeing their interests, thoughts, and memories translated into a story is a fun way to get to know someone. Yes, I am happy about how easy it is to leave comments and interact with others. 


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