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Reading Notes: Heptameron Reading B
- The Haunted House
- I am not a huge fan of this story. I am not sure what the message or plot is exactly. Or even who all the characters are. I don't think this story did a great job of character development or defining the different characters. It seems the main three characters are the man, the wife, and a girl spirit.
- It seems like it is a story about a husband who comes home to his wife who is living in a new house because the old house is being haunted. The husband makes them move back to the old house, some interactions happen with the spirit, and then the husband seems to catch the spirit and I assume he rids it of the house in some way.
- The story seems like it is saying he is doing this out of love for his wife and for their house?? I am not completely sure
- It seems the message is "the greater the sin, the greater the pleasure"
- The Woman and the Chanter
- This writer likes to start his stories with "THERE"
- I like the consistency of his style
- I like the flow of this story
- The plot is better defined than The Haunted House story, and I enjoy following along. I found myself thinkng what the wife was going to do next and if she would be discovered for her deception. In this story, she was not discovered until the end by some rumor.
- The husband is the protagonist in this story, while the wife is more the antagonist. Due to her deception of her husband and all of the other people.
- I will say, she seems like a very cunning character indeed. Capable of deceiving all of those people. However, she used her cunning in an unadmirable way.
- I enjoyed this story. It kept me guessing, involved, and curious.
- The Woman and the Chanter cont.
- Interesting end to the story. The husband and wife are forced to love and be with each other even though both of their love lies elsewhere.
- Sad for both of them, since they likely live the rest of their lives somewhat unhappy, but I like that the husband does keep trying
- Honorable and respectful of him
- I like that there is more dialogue between the tellers of these stories at the end
- This writer portrayed men to take more of the protagonist role compared to the reading A stories which favored woman as the protagonists

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