Microfiction: Man and His Bow
Three weeks later, and he finally hit the bullseye and he joyfully celebrated.
Author's Note
This story is inspired by Joukahainen's Revenge (cont.). In the story, Joukahainen is a young man striving to get revenge against an adversary. He plots to kill his adversary by shooting him with a crossbow. At the end of the story, he does successfully shoot him with the crossbow.
I take inspiration from the weapon and the setting as Joukahainen is near the ocean. I also take some inspiration from his youth even though Moran is an adult rather than a young man. This story is about Moran wanting to learn a new talent, and through consistency and hard work, he learns it to the level he desires. The message is that consistency and perseverance, are two key factors of learning.
Joukahainen's Revenge (cont.) by Elias Lönnrot, translated by W. F. Kirby (1907).
Walk for Peace
A young man walks through the trees seeking peace from the voices of the world. A tree notices his dismay and bends down to comfort the young man.
"Do not be discouraged young one, for I have lived for many more years than you, and I have learned that worrying adds no more to the day than what it takes away."
Author's Note
This story is about me last week when I took a walk to clear my mind and emotions and I felt being outside comforting. Connecting with nature helps me to remember the small things and be calm.
These stories are really good! I really like how you took a story about vengeance and violence and changed it into something about dedication and perseverance. Both stories had excellent imagery and flowed very well. It's true that worrying doesn't help fix the situation. You have to just start working at the issue until you find a way to solve it!